

我们用英语朗读张爱玲用英语改写的《海上花列传》The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai

第五章 预告片 Chapter 5 – Preview

The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai, also translated as Shanghai Flowers or Biographies of Flowers by the Seashore, is an 1892 novel by Han Bangqing.

The novel, the first such novel to be serially published, chronicles lives of courtesans in Shanghai in the late 19th century. Unlike most prostitution-oriented novels in Wu Chinese, specifically the Suzhou dialect, all dialog in this novel is in Wu.

The acclaimed writer Eileen Chang (张爱玲) translated the book into Mandarin, published in two parts under the titles “海上花開” and “海上花落” (lit. The Flowers of the Sea Bloom / Fade” or “The Flowers of Shanghai Bloom / Fade”). She also translated the book into English, which was not discovered until after her death. Eva Hung revised and edited the English translation before its publication.

