



所有音频都会编辑后发布到 YouTube、Spotify和Apple Podcasts,今年开始陆续添加站内直接播放,以方便各地区的听友。最近试用国产APP“小宇宙”,希望有更多的国内听众参与。


Podcast specialized in Wu Chinese and Shanghainese (Shanghai Dialect).

Since almost three years ago, we have read “Blossoms Shanghai (繁花)” and “The Stories in Pudong (东岸纪事)” in Shanghainese. We also piloted “Fortress Besieged (围城)” using Wu Chinese and other Chinese dialects following different characters and scenes. By end of 2022 we finished “Tong He Alley (同和里)”. In new year, we started a new season of reading “The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai (海上花列传)”.

All audio will be edited and posted to Spotify and Google Podcast. We also make special video version in YouTube show the characters on screen for viewers understanding from different background.

Tune in and enjoy genuine Shanghainese from the second half of twentieth Century.

吴语不是无语 播客又是博客